4H Youth Contribute Face Coverings, Learn To Be Leaders

Andrew Triviso, a 4H member, delivers face coverings to the Calexico Fire Department recently. 4H youth from throughout the Imperial Valley prepared face coverings and mask kits as part of their leadership project. The youth in the program delivered the masks to first responders and essential workers around the Valley.
Photo courtesy 4H program

Fourteen-year-old Shelbee Rolfe of El Centro has been busy these last few weeks cutting fabric to form into face coverings and even went as far as to prepare a video to teach others how to prepare the masks following Center for Disease Control guidelines.

She’s not alone. Rolfe, a member of the Verde 4H Club, has teamed with
4H youth from throughout the Imperial Valley to prepare face coverings and face
covering kits in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic to help first responders
and others providing essential services.

Recently, the 4H youth delivered some 1,500 completed masks to first

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  • How To Nominate

    To nominate a deserving community member, fill out the attached form, which will be sent electronically to Water Authority staff member Darren Simon.

    The Water Authority looks forward to featuring the person you have suggested for the Community Feature page. Should there be a backlog of nominations, it may take time to for your nomination to be highlighted, but we will strive to have a story done in a timely manner.

Betty Jo McNeece Workers Go Beyond to Help Quarantined Child

Pictured are (left to right) Daisy Benavides and Diana Barrera, both staff members at the Betty Jo McNeece Receiving Home for Children who worked 12-hour shifts to care for a 3-year-old girl who needed to be quarantined at the facility earlier this month for three days based on reports she might have been exposed to the coronavirus before she was taken to the receiving home. The girl ultimately was not infected, but for those three days, the two staff members risked their safety to manage the child’s care. The Betty Jo McNeece Receiving Home, pictured in the background, is a temporary care facility for children removed from their homes by Child Protective Services.

At the Betty Jo McNeece Receiving Home for children, the effort of
staff to care for children in the program has continued unphased by the coronavirus
lockdowns as workers report each day to the facility.

They must.

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  • How To Nominate

    To nominate a deserving community member, fill out the attached form, which will be sent electronically to Water Authority staff member Darren Simon.

    The Water Authority looks forward to featuring the person you have suggested for the Community Feature page. Should there be a backlog of nominations, it may take time to for your nomination to be highlighted, but we will strive to have a story done in a timely manner.

The Imperial Valley Cattle Industry Remains an Essential 24/7 Operation

Pictured are some of the 35,000 cattle at Mesquite Cattle Feeders, a Brawley-area feed yard that is part of the Imperial Valley’s $470 million cattle industry. Deemed an essential business, the Valley’s cattle industry continues to operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to ensure the cattle are cared for and a safe food supply reaches consumers nationally and throughout the world.
Photo courtesy of Mesquite Cattle Feeders

During this period of shelter in place directives in light
of the Coronavirus, essential businesses must continue operations to meet the
needs of society. The Imperial Valley cattle industry is among those essential

Imperial-San Diego Currents reached out to Joe Dan Cameron,
manager of Mesquite Cattle Feeders of Brawley, to discuss how the Valley’s
cattle industry has reacted to the Coronavirus and the safety steps his
operation has taken.

Joe Dan Cameron, manager of Mesquite Cattle Feeders, was interviewed by IV-San Diego Currents regarding the safety measures

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  • How To Nominate

    To nominate a deserving community member, fill out the attached form, which will be sent electronically to Water Authority staff member Darren Simon.

    The Water Authority looks forward to featuring the person you have suggested for the Community Feature page. Should there be a backlog of nominations, it may take time to for your nomination to be highlighted, but we will strive to have a story done in a timely manner.