The QSA JPA is Continuing A Robust Environmental Mitigation Program—As It Has Always Done

This image shows surface roughening that has been done on the southeast corner of the Salton Sea as part of the efforts of the environmental and air quality mitigation program led by Quantification Settlement Agreement Joint Powers Authority. The QSA JPA, since its establishment in 2003, has continued to meet its commitment to the Imperial Valley and specifically the Salton Sea.

When the Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) was signed in 2003, it was designed to help California manage its use of the Colorado River and in doing so bring a level of peace among the Basin States that depend on the river. A key component of this historic agreement has been mitigating impacts of the water transfers that are the cornerstone of the QSA. With the environmental effort ongoing, it is worth delving into what that work has entailed from the start of the QSA to where it is today.

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San Diego County Water Authority Launches Newsletter on Regional Conveyance System Study

Above is an image from a newsletter the San Diego County Water Authority is launching today to keep stakeholders updated on the Regional Conveyance System Study, which looks at the feasibility of a direct aqueduct to transport QSA supplies from the Imperial Valley to San Diego County.

To help keep the San Diego region, Imperial Valley and other interested stakeholders informed on the San Diego County Water Authority’s feasibility study of a proposed new aqueduct to transport 280,000 acre-feet of Quantification Settlement Agreement supplies (QSA), the Water Authority has launched a newsletter with the latest updates on the study. Today, the readers of this blog (Imperial-San Diego Currents), which is published by the Water Authority, will be receiving the first publication of the newsletter. Look for it in your emails.

For background, the 280,000-acre feet of QSA supplies includes the water transfer agreement between the Water Authority and Imperial Irrigation

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State’s SCH project moves forward at Salton Sea—a positive sign as a new year begins

In this photo from the California Natural Resources Agency, the early phases of construction of the Species Conservation Habitat Project, a critical component of the state’s Salton Sea Management Program, get underway at the southeast corner of the sea. The project will lead to the building of over 4,100 acres of ponds meant to support fish life, which in turn is meant to preserve the sea for migratory birds while helping to protect human health from exposed playa.

As 2021 kicks off, there is going to be a lot to discuss in blogs on this IV-San Diego Currents site—a site dedicated to sharing information on critical water issues as well as community features that showcase people, organizations and programs all making a difference in the Imperial Valley. For today’s blog, there is some positive news to report from the California Natural Resources Agency’s (CNRA) Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP). Work

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