When did the San Diego County Water Authority open an office in the Imperial Valley?

Darren Simon
QSA Outreach Coordinator
San Diego County Water Authority


When did the San Diego County Water Authority open an office in the Imperial Valley, and what is the purpose for having an office and a staff member in the Imperial Valley? Is it because you are looking for further water transfers from the Imperial Valley?



Great question. The Water Authority opened an office in the Imperial Valley in 2005, a couple of years after the signing of the Quantification Settlement Agreement.  It was a critical time in the implementation of the QSA. A number of issues were taking place then. For one, the Water Authority, the State and the Imperial Irrigation District were hard at work on developing the All-American Canal Lining Project, a critical component of the QSA. Additionally, the QSA was facing legal challenges. Then, the Water Authority and IID were working through

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QSA Remains Pivotal To the State During This Period of Extended Drought

When the State Water Resource Control Board supported the Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) in its Revised Water Rights Order 2002-13, it noted the importance of the QSA in realizing California’s Colorado River Use Plan, which was to reduce the State’s use of the river down to its 4.4 million acre-foot apportionment.

The QSA, at that time, was crucial as Arizona and Nevada saw growth and demanded their full apportionment. Prior to that, those States had not utilized their apportionment fully, which enabled California to exceed its allotment up to 5.2 million acre-feet.

As important as the QSA was at the time of its signing, its role continues to be pivotal today as California wrestles with an extended drought, one affecting the hydrology of the State Water Project in Northern and Central California, and the hydrology of the Colorado River. Lake Mead, the source of Colorado River water for Lower Basin States, including

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Water Authority Actions Support Salton Sea

The San Diego County Water Authority has been an advocate for the Salton Sea since the signing of the Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) in 2003 and supports the newest effort by Gov. Jerry Brown who in his May revised budget included the creation of a task force to review restoration at the State’s largest inland lake.per year, roughly a million gallons per day, enough to serve 400,000 households per year.

Given the current discussion regarding the future of the Sea, the Water Authority wants to make it clear that from the outset it has worked with its QSA partners to lobby for the Sea and that continues to be the case. Attention is now focused where it should be—on finding a feasible restoration option based on anticipated available water to the Sea—then working with the State to meet its restoration responsibilities as established in Legislation. Specifically, lobbying efforts are underway to

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