Brown Bag Coalition: A Lifeline for the Homeless During the Summer and Year Round

Maribel Padilla, founder of the Brown Bag Coalition, places a cool cloth on the neck of a man who sought help from the Coalition during one of its water run stops to support the homeless in the city of Calexico, California, as temperatures on that day reached nearly 120 degrees. Photo by Darren Simon

On a sweltering afternoon as temperatures in Calexico, California topped 118 degrees, a group of homeless sought shelter under trees just off Third Street and Paulin Avenue in the city’s busy downtown a couple of blocks from the border.

They knew to be there around 5 p.m. That’s when a familiar white van from the Brown Bag Coalition (Coalition) would arrive to provide welcome relief – water and Gatorade, popsicles, washcloths dipped in cold water and other supplies.

When the van arrived, Brown Bag Coalition founder Maribel Padilla and her volunteer that day, Jose

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Imperial Valley Ag Remains Strong Despite Challenging Times

An image of the 2024 Crop Report Plus cover from the Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. The Crop Report Plus study examines agriculture’s overall contributions to the Imperial County economy.

Recently, the Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office (ICACO) released its 2024 Crop Report Plus document, which measures the impact—direct, indirect and induced (all terms pertinent to the report)—that agriculture has on the county’s economy. The Crop Report Plus is produced about every three years and is in addition to the county’s annual Agricultural Crop and Livestock Report. In short, the Crop Report Plus takes a deeper dive into agriculture’s broader contribution to the local economy, going beyond crop production values and employment numbers (direct) by also exploring local inter-industry, business-to-business supplier purchases (indirect), and local consumption spending by employees (induced). This is the third in a series of Crop Report Plus documents released—the first two were released in

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