Bruce Wilcox (center) assistant secretary in charge of Salton Sea policy for Califonia Natural Resources, notifies the State Water Resources Control Board on delays in the Salton Sea Management Program but identifies plans to get caught up in the years ahead. To Wilcox’s left is Kristopher Tjernell, newly hired by the Department of Water Resources to help advance DWR’s work on the Salton Sea. To Wilcox’s right is State Water Board staff member Justine Herrig.
The State Water Resources Control Board heard an update on the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) on Tuesday, Oct. 16, with Board Chairwoman Felicia Marcus telling state officials working on the Sea that she needs to see more “drive” to get projects done. Her comments were a message of both optimism that construction will soon begin on projects and disappointment with the news they were presented Read More